OpenTAKServer (OTS) is yet another open source TAK Server for ATAK, iTAK, and WinTAK. OTS's goal is to be easy to install and use, and to run on both servers and SBCs (ie Raspberry Pi).
This is a new project under active development. Feel free to report any bugs or feature requests to our GitHub repo. You can also join us on our Discord server
Current Features
- Support for ATAK 4.8 and up (Older versions may work, needs to be tested)
- WinTAK support
- iTAK support
- TCP and SSL CoT streaming
- Plugin Update Server
- Device Profiles
- Authentication
- Optional support for user registration with an email account
- Two-factor authentication via TOTP authenticator or email
- Client certificate enrollment
- Data Sync/Mission API
- CoT routing between EUDs
- MediaMTX integration for video streaming
- Streams secured via SSL and authentication
- Stream video from TAK ICU and OpenTAK ICU
- Stream video from drones
- Connect to IP cameras
- Watch video streams in ATAK's video tool, web browser, or video player such as VLC
- Record streams
- Upload data packages to share with other EUDs
- Live stream ADS-B and AIS data from the free and APIs to EUDs
- WebUI
- Mumble Authentication
- Use your OpenTAKServer account to log into your Mumble server
Supported Platforms
There are installer scripts for Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi, Rocky 9, macOS, and Windows in the OpenTAKServer-Installer repo. Other Linux distros and OSes can be supported. The main requirements are Python 3.10 or greater, RabbitMQ, and OpenSSL. If you'd like an installer for a particular distro or OS, feel free to open an issue in the OpenTAKServer-Installer repo. There are plans for an Android installer in the future.
Planned Features
- Federation
- Channels/Groups
- Pull data from networked SDRs (ie dump1090, rtl_ais, rtl_tcp, etc)
- Traccar integration
Supporting The Project
If you'd like to support this project you can contribute here. Contributions are voluntary and never required. OpenTAKServer will always remain free and open source.