
OpenTAK ICU supports encryption when streaming with either RTSPS or RTMPS. This ensures that a 3rd party cannot intercept and view the stream while it's in transit to the server.

CA Signed Certificates

If your server uses certificates signed by a trusted CA such as Let's Encrypt, simply choose the RTSPS or RTMPS protocol. No further action is required.

Self-Signed Certificates

If your server uses self-signed certificates you will need to import them into OpenTAK ICU. The certificates should be in PKCS12 format, the same format that ATAK uses. To import them, use the following steps:

  1. Copy your trust store and user certificates to your device
  2. Tap the Settings icon in OpenTAK ICU
  3. Tap Stream Settings
  4. Tap the Server uses Self-Signed Certificate switch
  5. Tap Trust Store Certificate and locate it
  6. Tap Trust Store Certificate Password and enter it. If you're using the same certificates as your TAK server, the password is probably atakatak
  7. Tap Test Certificate. This step is required and validates that the certificate is a valid PKCS12 certificate and that the password is correct