
Config file

When you first start OpenTAKServer, a default configuration file will be generated for you at ~/ots/config.yml. You can override the defaults there. You must restart OpenTAKServer for the changes to take effect.


The following sensitive options will compromise the security of your server if they are leaked. If you are asking for support over public channels such as Discord or GitHub, remove these settings before posting. If these settings are mistakenly shared publicly, change them immediately.

Config Options

OpenTAKServer Settings


You can check for the settings that OpenTAKServer uses. To learn about each setting you can check Flask-Security's documentation.

Flask-Mailman settings

These settings only take effect if OTS_ENABLE_EMAIL is True. The defaults will send email via a Gmail account, just provide your username and app password. See Email for details.


OpenTAKServer's default configuration assumes that MediaMTX is running on the same server and OpenTAKServer connects to it via the loopback interface. As of version 1.1.4, MediaMTX can now be hosted on a different server. To do so you will need to change two settings.

The first is OTS_MEDIAMTX_API_ADDRESS in config.yml. Make sure to include the scheme (ie http:// or https://), server address, and port.

The nginx config also needs to be changed. In /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ots_https (or c:\tools\nginx-1.25.4\conf\ots\ots_https.conf on Windows), look for the location blocks for webrtc and hls. Each should have a proxy_pass line that starts with Change that address (and port number if necessary) to the address of your MediaMTX server.

After changing these settings make sure to restart both OpenTAKServer and nginx.

Max Upload Size

OpenTAKServer's default configuration limits the size of uploaded files, including data packages, to 100MB. This setting is found in the ots_http and ots_https nginx config files. In those files, change the line client_max_body_size 100M; to raise the limit.